SMS One-Time Passcodes



Send one-time passcodes via Feathery SMS to validate submitted phone numbers.

What you need


An SMS one-time passcode (OTP) is a temporary, numerical code sent to a user's mobile device via text message, used to authenticate or verify the user's identity for secure access to online services or transactions. It adds an extra layer of security, known as two-factor authentication, by ensuring that the person attempting to access a service is in possession of the registered phone.


Using SMS OTPs enhances security by adding an extra layer of verification, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. It's user-friendly, as most people are familiar with SMS, and it ensures that only the person with access to the registered mobile number can authenticate actions, offering real-time validation.


When evaluating the use of SMS OTPs, consider reliability and delivery rates, potential costs, user accessibility to SMS services, security concerns like interception or social engineering, regulatory compliance, and the user experience, ensuring it's not too disruptive.

How to set up


Navigate to the Feathery form where you want to add SMS OTP verification. Click on the Integrations tab.

Open the SMS One-Time Passcode integration and configure the length of your code and your service name, which will show up in the SMS message.

Click Save. Your integration is now turned on.

Go to your form designer and follow our SMS auth setup guide to connect SMS OTP verification to your form.

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